Monday, March 1, 2010

Supermarket products from around the world

And they said it couldn’t be bottled.
Colour is a worry though!

I hope ‘Marie’ knows about this.

Wow! MEGA!! PUSSI !!!!

I really shouldn’t find this funny...

So much better than old, stale ‘cok’!

Only one thing better than regular Shito – new, improved Shito.

So that’s where SARS came from! Thanks a lot Golden Circle

Soooo refreshing!

Good Luck! Bet it don't taste the same in a can ?

For Paris Hilton?

Insect repellent? Are you sure that’s what it’s for?

Not to be confused with ‘Hetero’ sausage.

‘Be gone’, I say!.

Okay? Must be Good !! ?

Just go 50/50 with Jim Beam no one will be the wiser!!!!!!!


  1. :)) Am ras de ... cred ca am nevoie de hartia aia igienica SHITBEGONE. Ce inseamna sa nu stii engleza ! Sau poate ca producatorii stiau ce nume au dat produselor doar ca au niste consumatori fara cultura engleza.

  2. Sti cum se zice "China - land of choice" suna cunoscut ? ;)))


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